MATLAB The Story of TIMEIT The function timeit started out in an engineering textbook about image processing using MATLAB.
MATLAB IMVIEW: A New Image Display Function I've been working on a new image display function that I intend to use instead of imshow.
MATLAB Function Syntax Design Conundrum I love using the arguments block, but it doesn't handle this use case well.
MATLAB Pixel Grid Update As it turns out, there are several ways to draw thousands of line segments with just one "line" object.
MATLAB Image Zoom and Pan Utilities In today's world of display devices with a wide range of resolutions, this notion of a virtual pixel has evolved to help interface and website designers achieve reasonably consistent results on different devices.
MATLAB Cris Luengo on Image Processing Library Design Issues Cris Luengo discusses how the "everything is a class" design philosophy affects the complexity of the resulting client interfaces.
MATLAB Step Through Your Code Although I was certainly happy to have found the bug before the feature shipped, I was disappointed to have found it fairly late in the development process.
MATLAB FFT Zero-Padding Strategies - Computing Transform Length For 1-D applications with very long vectors, the time required to compute the transform size could be significant.
MATLAB FFT Zero-Padding Strategies - Small Prime Factors "The standard FFTW distribution works most efficiently for arrays whose size can be factored into small primes (2, 3, 5, and 7), and otherwise it uses a slower general\-purpose routine."
MATLAB FFT Zero-Padding Strategies - Introduction FFT-based convolution can be performed faster by using a different zero-padding strategy than what is commonly used.
MATLAB Initialize a MATLAB Toolbox As I learned during my MathWorks career, a set of recommended practices is much more likely to take hold if it can be automated.
MATLAB Welcome! Matrix Values is about MATLAB, image processing, and other related topics that may catch my interest.